Sheldon Greenberg
mixed media artist
Oakland, CA, USA
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Mixed Media Art
Artist Statement
After 30 years of painting very realistic figurative works for advertising, design studios, books, magazines and newspapers I began to explore a more intuitive approach. My mixed media paintings revolve around many things but mainly I am painting about the environment and landscape in which I live. I enjoy using dots and stripes as a way to create patterns within the composition for harmony.Contrasts are a big part in the compositions, scale, figure/ground plane, texture/smooth, areas of simple vs. complex and layers from the beginning stages thru to the finished piece, showing the history of the process.Give and take, adding and subtracting until the right balance between random marks and more specific areas of finish which puts it in the realm of what I categorize as abstracted realism.
i have found myself being influenced by contrasts of color, shape, value, texture and line. In the beginning i was attracted to realistic figure painting and over time i began to loosen up my technique and using patterns with less figurative elements and more of an abstracted point of view.
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