Tom Ang
New Zealand
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Digital ImagingWritingPrint MediaPhotography
Artist Statement
”My art is a joyful co-creation with life.”My art celebrates the unwanted, recognises the unheard, and welcomes the disenfranchised. The detritus of life, the used bits of paper, the lost drops of ink, the fallen petals, the withered leaves, the feathers plucked out — these are the raw materials for my art. I create where and when life's energy directs me. Reconfigured, re-arranged, the spare, rejected and unwanted lead to great beauty.Art is a miraculous co-creation between life force, energy and spirit. What appears random is an expression of life. And that includes technical errors. If embraced, they can become an entirely new line of work. The trick is always to learn to say ‘Yes’, even when the image appears hopeless.
Tom Ang is a versatile Artist-Photographer-Author who draws inspiration from minimalism and abstract expression in his digital illustrations. Ang's expertise shines in photography, capturing light and detailed nuances that reveal the usually unseen beauty in the everyday. His asemic artwork adds a unique dimension to his portfolio, inviting viewers to decipher the language of form and emotion. With a BA in Philosophy and an illustrious teaching career, Ang's artistry seamlessly blends visual storytelling with a profound exploration of co-creativity. He received the global Hamdan International Photography Award as Content Producer in 2019.He says:"The confluences of art and philosophy, life and technology have always fascinated me.I've written two collections of poems and I've worked as a technical journalist and authored 40 books on photography. From dark-room assistant to photographer, through technical editorships and running a newspaper picture desk, I reached academia and lectured on photography, journalism and publishing for over 12 years.Never one to be afraid of new technology, I was a pioneer in digital photography, hosting two of the first ever TV series on digital photography for BBC. I was a bit slow to take up NFTs but now I'm well into making NFTs using generative imaging, also using AI to complement my own art practice that majors on asemic calligraphy.It's the most wonderful time to be an artist; and it's a time most in need of artists."
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