Deadline for entries: February 28, 2022
Our earliest relationship with the physical world is expressed through primary concepts. As children when we are asked to represent what we see and feel, the world is flat and based on simplifications, glyphs, and symbols. Houses are squares, happiness is a U-shaped smile, motion is a series of straight lines. The understanding of spatial illusions is counterintuitive and taught through years of training. Our eyes see the world in light and shadow, but our minds show it to us as simple outlines if we can ever actually hold an image in our imagination at all. Abstraction is a world beyond illusion, an autonomous visual language detached from references to physical, objective, figurative, or spatial reality. Abstraction may imply through non-literal, non-illusionistic concepts, a word, a symbol. Mood or emotion is inferred through color, shape, gestures, or forms.
In this open call, we are asking artists to submit 2-d or 3-d works, drawing painting, printmaking, design, and sculpture, which explore concepts of abstraction, as they have existed across our cultural experiences and throughout history.
Entry Inspiration
Painting with Green Center by Wassily Kandinsky
Futuristic Red Cube Sculpture on Modern City Square by Charles Parker
Orange And Yellow Neon Lights Stacey Gabrielle Koenitz Rozells
Awards & Prizes
This Open Call will select four Grand Prize Winners and four Honorable Mentions.
Four Grand Prize Winners will each receive:
- One free year of Pro on Artrepreneur worth $144 and the ability to sell in their own Showroom
- Automatically entered as a finalist for Orange Book: Book of Pro 2023
Grand Prize Winners and Honorable Mentions will also receive:
- Organic promotion on Artrepreneur's social media
- A permanent listing on the Open Call Winners page on Artrepreneur
Application Instructions
Application Rules
Judging Criteria
Rules & Guidelines
- Submit up to 5 works
- You can apply only ONCE to this Open Call
Submissions from artists in every category will be accepted.
Judging Criteria: Winners and honorable mentions will be selected based on their knowledge and expertise of their selected materials. Craftsmanship and professional presentation will be important considerations, as well as the manner in which each winner addresses their concept and intention.
- Applicants must be 18 years or older.
- Submissions must be created by the applicant.
- You DO NOT need to create new works for this Open Call. Submissions can have been created at any time in your creative career.
- Materials are to be included for each work.
- It is highly encouraged to provide a description of your work along with your overall artist statement if you have not already added one to your profile.
- Please update your profile to include your Instagram handle.
IMPORTANT: YOU RETAIN THE COPYRIGHT in your submitted works and ONLY provide us with the right to show your work on Artrepreneur and promote your work on social media. For more details, see the Policies Section in our Help Center.
IMPORTANT! Please read the Image Upload Guidelines before submitting. Work that does not adhere to these Guidelines may be disqualified.
You must be an Artrepreneur member to apply for this open call. If you are not currently a member, you will be directed to join after hitting the Apply button. Joining is free!
YOU RETAIN THE COPYRIGHT in your submitted works and ONLY provide us with the right to show your work on Artrepreneur and promote your work on social media.
Apply Now
This Open Call has been closed!